February 27, 2016


Over the years, I’ve talked to many people who, at some time in their lives, have accepted Jesus as their savior. Many of them struggle every day to be good people. Many have given up because they have lost that battle. They tell me they want to be close to God, but they just don’t seem to be able to reach that goal. I know what they’re going through because I’ve been there myself.
Living a Christian life in this day and age can be challenging. Many times we lose track of what’s important before we realize it. It’s so easy to wake up one morning and realize you’re a million miles away from God. Well, there’s a reason for that. “If You’re No Longer Close To God, Guess Who Moved.” I’m sure you’ve heard that one. It’s true. If we’re not close to God, it’s our fault. There are many things to distract us, and too often, we allow other things to take priority over God. We don’t mean to, but it happens.
When we come to Jesus we’re so excited to know we’re saved. It’s so good to be free from the guilt and shame that our past life of sin put on us. Then the newness wears off and the excitement level drops, and many times we forget that we have been made into a new creature. Satan reminds us of our past, and sometimes we wonder if we're really saved. Many ask themselves, “Did God really save me?” If one reaches this point, it’s a sure bet that they haven’t been spending enough time with Jesus, in prayer, and in Bible study. Believe it or not, this makes a big difference in a person, and others around us can see the difference in us when we spend time with Jesus. (Acts 4:13)
We have to be intentional about our relationship with the Lord, just like any other relationship. If you aren’t close enough to God that you can hear and know his voice when he speaks, then try these few steps; Pray, Read and Study the Bible, and Avoid Evil things that will lead you away from God.
PRAY – Talk to Jesus and listen for him to talk to you. It may not be an audible voice every time, but sometimes it will. Talk with him all the time, no matter where you are or what time it is. Stay in constant communication with him. Talking to Jesus is the first and most important step to getting back on the right track. Return to your first love (Revelation 2:4-5). Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Pray more for others than for yourself, but remember, prayer is the first step to getting closer to God.
BIBLE READING – Get out your Bible and read it. Read it every day. Job said, “I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my necessary food” (Job 23:12). Reading the bible helps us to get to know Jesus better. The better we know him the easier it is to trust him, and that draws us closer to him. The more time we spend with Jesus, the more like him we become. We actually become less sinful. We see more clearly. Many of the things that were once acceptable to us, we now see their true nature and reject them. The opposite is also true. The less time we spend with Jesus, the more sinful we become and evil is easier for us to accept. So, fill your mind with God’s word.
BIBLE STUDY – Studying the Bible is comparing scripture with scripture. We take everything the whole Bible says about a certain subject and put them all together to get the full picture. Then we know everything that God has said on that subject. We're commanded to study for God’s approval (2 Timothy 2:15) and to be able to tell others about the hope he gives us, whenever someone asks us (1 Peter 3:15). Studying the Bible also helps us to better understand what he expects from us, and we find proof that it is, indeed, the Word of God.
AVOID EVIL – The Bible tells us that Job was a righteous man who loved God and avoided evil (Job 1:1)1 Thessalonians 5:22, tells us to, “Avoid all forms of evil.” In Psalm 101:3, David said, “I will put no evil thing before my eyes:” We have to protect ourselves from evil things coming into our minds. Whether through the eyes or the ears. What many people don’t understand is, that we can’t live like everybody else, and participate in all the things the world offers, and still stay close to God. People disagree strongly when you tell them that their entertainment is preventing them from being as close to God as they need to be, but today, the majority of movies, TV shows, games, and music are controlled by people with no morals, no family values, and no desire to please God. In fact, many of them don’t even believe in God. At least, that’s what they say.
A person who has been born again, and wants to stay close to God, should not watch any presentation that shows anything the Bible says we shouldn’t participate in. If the Bible says don’t do it, then it’s a sin. If a movie, TV, play, or real-life presents such things, we should avoid those presentations. Sin is often glorified by movies TV, and music, and by watching and listening to it over and over, we become desensitized. Common sense should tell us this is true, but I know this from experience.
It’s not just the things you see, but also the filthy language, with the sexual references and the innuendos. Even the commercials and advertisements are going too far lately. If God’s followers watch movies and television at all, we should only watch programs that are Godly, or at least family-orientated. I’ve even seen several “Christian” films that have cursing in them, which makes no sense at all because the Bible says we shouldn’t use foul language. Many people try to rationalize that fact away and say the only bad words are using God’s name in a derogatory manner. Sad to say, I used to be one of them, until God showed me the truth in his word. Look at what God says about that at this link. What’s Wrong With Using Profanity?
Video games are the same way. Not all are bad, but many are. Not just video games, but board games, and card games as well. We need to be wise in choosing our entertainment. Everything that we see and hear is teaching us, and we need to be careful about what we allow ourselves to learn.
The music we choose to listen to is also a factor in our drawing closer to God. Many people don’t like it when you tell them they’re listening to the wrong music. Not all secular music is bad, but much of it is. Apart from the fact that most music today is engineered to alter people’s minds as well as bodies, the songs are filled with filthy words and immoral messages. They glorify sin and demean those who don’t participate in those sinful acts. Look what Colossians 3:16 says about music.
Colossians 3:16 
16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
We should fill ourselves with the word of God in all wisdom, and teach ourselves and others with Christ-centered songs. Whatever the message in a song may be, we learn from it, whether it’s good or bad. Even though Contemporary Christian music is supposed to be Godly, many songs don’t even mention God, and some have no destination from the music of the world. If we want to draw closer to God, we should listen to music that makes us think about him. Songs that uplift God as the Creator. Songs that talk about our duties and responsibilities to him. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all, guard your heart; for out of it are the issues of life.”
In Philippines 4:8, Paul says, “Whatever things are True, Honorable, Just, Pure, Lovely, and of Good Report; Whatever has Virtue, and Praise, meditate on these things.” In verse 9 he said, “The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, do these things: and the God of peace will be with you.”
That’s what I want. That’s what all those people I’ve talked to over the years wanted, but didn’t know how to get there. If that’s what you want, remember that it takes a little work on our part, as with any relationship. There are many who worship and serve God with all their hearts. They have dedicated their lives to his service, and are very close to him, but there are many who are still struggling with their relationship with God. Try these few things for yourself, and you'll see that they work. Then, share them with others and watch God transform their lives as well.
My Blogs
© 2016 Teddy Lynn – All Rights Reserved
My books are available in paperback and digital format on Amazon @ 

February 21, 2016


It’s one fifteen in the morning. Chris is startled from sleep by a blood-chilling scream. By the time he gathers his senses, he realizes the scream came from his own mouth. The dream again. The same dream, over and over, for years. A better description would be a nightmare. This one is not as bad as some of the others he has, almost nightly, but this one keeps coming back. The sweat burns his eyes as he tries to catch his breath, and he wonders, “What’s going on with me?” He won’t get much sleep for the rest of the morning. Six a.m. will come, and he will be so tired he won’t be able to function properly all day.
That’s the way it’s been for several years now. The meaning of many of his nightmares is perfectly clear to Chris, but he doesn’t have a clue about this one. Maybe that’s why it haunts him. Maybe he needs to understand. He just doesn’t know. What he does know is that it’s not normal. He knows that everybody doesn’t dream the same dream over and over, again and again, year after year. He wishes to be normal. He wishes he could get some sleep.
The lack of sleep, and the pressures of work, along with a thousand other problems, have led to anxiety and depression, which have given rise to other problems, both physical and emotional. All this is having a negative effect on his relationships with his family and friends, and it’s affecting his performance at his job, as well.
Now, he lies in bed, tossing and turning, trying desperately to get back to sleep. His mind just won’t rest. It won’t even slow down. One thought jumps to another, and another, and then another until they all run together. Finally, after hours of restlessness, Chris finally falls asleep. Less than an hour later his alarm goes off. He hits the snooze to rest a few more minutes. By the time he gets awake enough to move, he realizes he has overslept.
Running late again, he fights his way through the thick rush of morning traffic. Finally, he makes it to work. The morning wears on slowly, and he is bombarded with paperwork. He has several moments where he almost walks out, never to return, but he perseveres, and lunchtime finally arrives. Exhausted from lack of sleep, and drained from the morning’s toil, the last thing on his mind is food. All he can think about is closing his eyes and never opening them again. He goes to his car, sets the alarm on his watch for one hour, and quickly falls asleep.
An hour passes, and when the alarm on Chris’ watch startles him awake, he feels as though he had only just closed his eyes a minute ago. He drags himself out of his car and back to work for two more terribly long, agonizing hours. Quitting time finally arrives, bringing with it a breath of fresh air, and a sigh of relief. Still, Chris feels overwhelmed and drained of all his energy, so he drags himself to his car, and heads home for the day.
As he drives home, he thinks to himself, “There’s gotta be more to life than this. If not, why even go on living?” Just then, he looks up at the sky, and says out loud, “Why don’t you help me, God?” He spends the rest of the ride home talking to Jesus and hoping for some kind of answer, some way to feel better, some peace, some closure. “It has to get better,” he says, “It has to.”
Does that sound familiar in any way? It’s sad that, so often, we have to reach our lowest point before we call on God for help. He wants to be our friend and constant companion in all situations. In the good times as well as the bad. Many times a situation would have been resolved long before it escalated into something unbearable if we would only stay in constant communication with God, as Jesus did when he was on earth.
In today’s world, a close relationship with Jesus is what we all need to stay on the right track. We are being attacked on every side. We need his help to remain strong in the face of opposition. Christian persecution may not have affected you yet, but Christians around the world are being persecuted and killed every day. None of us can stand for God in the face of such evil acts unless we spend time, daily, in his presence.
Trust him (Psalm 9:10). Obey him (Luke 11:28). Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Give him all your burdens (1 Peter 5:7), and he will give you strength to face anything, and still be able to stand up for him and his truth. ---

My Blogs
© 2012 Teddy Lynn – All Rights Reserved
Adapted for the book “Inspiration For The Journey” by Teddy Lynn © 2012-2016 All Rights Reserved
My books are available in paperback and digital format on Amazon @ 

February 17, 2016


I love writing, and I write about many things. I try to only post encouraging, inspirational things on my blog, but once in a while, I need to vent. If it’s something I think needs to be brought to everyone’s attention, I’ll post it. I did that a few times in the past when I wrote about Common Courtesy and Unprofessional Professionals.
Well, now I need to rant about something that happens to me almost on a daily basis. Several months ago, after a near-miss with another driver, who was on my side of the road, in a curve, I tweeted a line that went something like this; “I’m tired of seeing someone, every day, jerk their steering wheel to get their car out of my lane, and back on their side of the road.” Rarely does a day go by that it doesn’t happen, and I don’t do that much traveling. Usually, the driver swerves in plenty of time, but I’ve had some close calls. It’s not the same driver most of the time either. It’s just becoming too much.
This morning I had the closest call yet, without being struck by the offending vehicle. I thought it was just the typical, everyday occurrence, but I guess the driver didn’t look up soon enough. They came within inches of us and almost side-swiped my Jeep. I’m not the best driver in the world, in fact, when I was younger I was pretty careless. Now, I usually drive as close to the edge of the road as I possibly can, and when another car gets close to me I don’t have anywhere to go except in the ditch. This morning, it was so close and fast that all I could do was hold the horn down and cringe.
When I first noticed the number of these incidents rising, I remember several times asking, “What’s wrong with people?” Well, I think I have it figured out. More and more drivers today are not paying attention when they’re behind the wheel. Sounds simple, but it really becomes more complicated when you think about the number of reasons they are distracted.
We all have a lot on our minds. Many people don’t get enough sleep. Many are talking on the phone, and way too many are texting while driving. These things alone are enough to cause plenty of wrecks and near misses, but as impossible as it may sound, there’s a much bigger and much more dangerous reason why many drivers are distracted these days.
I’m not trying to be funny, but many people on the road today are high. Simple as that. The majority of drivers today are on drugs. You may think that’s an exaggeration, but several major studies have shown that 70% of U.S. citizens take drugs every day. CBS News, reporting on one of those studies, had this to say: 
“Researchers find that nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half receive at least two prescriptions, reports CBS Atlanta. Twenty percent of U.S. patients were also found to be on five or more prescription medications.” 

“Often when people talk about health conditions they’re talking about chronic conditions such as heart disease or diabetes, Dr. St. Sauver stated in a Mayo Clinic press release. However, the second most common prescription was for antidepressants — that suggests mental health is a huge issue and is something we should focus on. And the third most common drugs were opioids, which is a bit concerning considering their addictive nature.”
Drugs not only impair thinking and reasoning, but they also cause reaction time to drop considerably. That’s for the ones who are on legal drugs and take them as directed. What about those who take more than the directions say? Then there are those who take other people’s prescription drugs and those who take illegal drugs. Now many want to legalize marijuana so they can drive around high, making the roads even more dangerous. Really, they don't even care anymore that it's illegal. They drive around smoking it all the time now. And that smell; People who smoke marijuana these days smell just like a skunk, and they're walking, and driving around everywhere risking their lives and the lives of others. I've heard all the arguments, but anything that makes you high is harmful and dangerous, and it definitely lessens the smoker's reaction time in traffic.
There’s more. These may not be as strong as marijuana and other narcotics, but Caffeine and Nicotine are drugs, too, and they adversely affect the brain as well.
I understand we all have problems. We all have aches and pains at one time or another, or all the time. Some pain may be temporary, some may be chronic, and sometimes it can only be controlled by medication. I’m not against medicine when used “as needed”. It’s sad though, that so many are on antidepressants. It’s the second most common prescription. I know depression is a serious thing, but I think many are often misdiagnosed. For the ones who actually do suffer from depression and anxiety, I don’t think pills are always the answer.
Many of the problems go away when we turn to Jesus and give everything to him. Studies have shown that people who believe and trust in God, have less stress than those who don’t. Things are just better when Jesus is in your life; When you know that you have a purpose in life. When you know that he's always there to help you, you can make it through anything.
So, if you’re on any medications, please take them as directed, and stop taking them as soon as your problem is gone. If you’re on strong medication that impairs your thinking, or your ability to stay on your side of the road when driving, then please park your car, and get someone to drive you where you need to go. Protect your life and the lives of others. Please, do it before it’s too late.
My Blogs
© 2016 Teddy Lynn – All Rights Reserved
My books are available in paperback and digital format on Amazon @ 

February 13, 2016


The Sun is shining brightly, but it’s still cold. It’s the latter part of winter in Lone Oak, Mississippi. The last few months have been long and bitter. The promise of spring is in the air, and anticipations are high, but there are some who can only focus on the here and now. In the little two-room house, shared by Hugh and Ellen Spencer, and their eight children, fear fills every heart. 

Twelve-year-old Junie lies unconscious, stricken with a fever. She has been sick for weeks and has been at death’s door for several days now. Her mother has not left her side. She watches over her sweet child and prays for the fever to break. Many prayers are offered up to God as the family wonders if she will survive this ordeal that threatens to tear another child from her arms.
As Ellen places another wet towel on her daughter’s head she notices something that sends a chill down her spine. She shouts to her husband, “Hugh, Hugh, come quick.” As Hugh races frantically to the bedside of his sick child he is thinking the worst. As he enters the room, Ellen shouts, “Junie’s fever has broken! Send for Dr. Williams!”
As the sun shines directly overhead, a strange, but familiar noise grew louder and louder. The eldest son, Ervin, was returning home with the doctor. The strange noise was made by an automobile, which Dr. Williams drove. Not too common in the Lone Oak area, but a welcome site today.
“I heard the good news, Hugh. How’s our girl doing?” With a gleam of cheer in his voice, Hugh said, “Well Doc, That’s what we were hoping you could tell us. Come on In,” he added.
By now Junie was awake and sitting up in bed. The doctor examined her and then turned to address her parents. “Mr. and Mrs. Spencer,” he says with a smile, “Junie’s gonna be fine. Since she’s been cooped up in this room for weeks, I think some fresh air would do her good. You should open the door and window for a couple of hours and let the house air out, but she doesn’t need to be in the direct wind for long, so in the meantime, how would you like to go for a ride in an automobile, Junie?”
The ride was great, and Junie enjoyed it very much. It was an experience she would never forget. She never forgot her parent’s love and care for her either. She never forgot that God had brought her back from death’s door and added many years to her life. 

As I listened to my Grandmother tell this story, I could see the appreciation in her eyes, and hear it in her voice. She longed to see Jesus face to face and thank him, not just for what he did for her that winter, but for all he had done in her life afterward. She loved God and served him until the day she died. I can’t wait to see her again, after the resurrection, and watch the faces of my children and grandchildren light up, as our Grandmother tells this story and many others. I’m looking forward to it.
Adapted from the book Inspiration For The Journey by Teddy Lynn
My Blogs
© 2010 Teddy Lynn – All Rights Reserved
My books are available in paperback and digital format on Amazon @ 

February 11, 2016


Two months ago, Herbert Brown and his family moved from the city of River Port, Mississippi to the quiet peaceful little town of Cedar Creek. It’s the 16th day of January, and everyone is in the living room enjoying the warm fire and some hot cocoa.
Charlotte is preparing lunch for her family, and Herbert is keeping the fire going. Mark, the youngest, is staring at the fire dancing in the fireplace, as daddy puts more wood in.
Billy and Cindy are looking out the window, hoping the snow that the weatherman predicted will come soon, so they may get to go out, and play in it today. With joy in their eyes, they recalled all the fun they had playing in the snow the previous winter in River Port, and how they had made snow cream, snow angels, and built a snowman...
Suddenly, the snow began to fall and they both shout at the same time, “It’s snowing.” With excitement in his voice, Billy asked, “Mom, can we go out, and play in the snow?” “Not right now,” came the reply from Mother. “It’s almost time to eat. Go wash up.”
“Can we go out after we eat?” Cindy asked as she ran from the window. We’ll see,” Mother said. “OK,” Cindy groaned, with disappointment in her voice. Then Mark asked, “Mommy, what does WILSIE mean?” Before Charlotte could answer, Billy spoke up and said, “It means, no.” Neither Herbert nor Charlotte could keep from laughing. “I guess it does seem like that sometimes, but it simply means we’ll have to wait, and see what’s going on later. You may be able to, and you may not. It’s not YES, and it's not NO.” I guess it means the same thing as, maybe.

My Blogs

© 2009 Teddy Lynn – All Rights Reserved

My books are available in paperback and digital format on Amazon @ 

February 08, 2016


Sometimes life is rough. Sometimes I don’t feel good at all. I’ve had a bad back for many years, and it affects my whole body. My legs and feet, my arms, hands, and neck as well. I’m almost always in pain. I never get enough sleep. I have bad days and better days, but I never actually feel good. Sometimes I feel like no one cares. I’m not telling this so anyone will feel sorry for me. I don’t want that at all.
It’s three o’clock in the morning and I’m awake. In thinking about my suffering, I often try to remind myself that there is always someone who has it worse than I do. I see so many others suffering in this world, and many of them, most of them are in much worse shape than I am. 

My sister had cancer for several years and was always in pain until she died. My dad had colon cancer and had to have surgery to remove the tumor, and before he recovered from that, he had to have gallbladder surgery. It couldn’t be removed because it was so inflamed it was stuck to the other organs. The doctor closed him up and sent him home with drain tubes coming out of his body. That led to more problems and he suffered for several months before he finally died. Then, my mother suffered for years and finally died from cancer.
My cousin almost died after his wife stabbed him in the heart during an argument. I just heard about a woman who was out drinking with her boyfriend and her twenty-three-year-old son. The young man had been in a fight and was still upset on the way home. For some reason, he opened the car door and got out while they were going down the highway. The car ran over him, and another mother lost her son.
More babies than ever are being born with birth defects. Many are stillborn and there are many miscarriages. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain and suffering those parents are going through. On the other hand, many babies and children are being abused and even killed. Pain is everywhere.
I see people every day suffering from some kind of affliction. I know people who have Diabetes, Heart trouble, Cancer, broken or lost limbs, back problems, Emphysema, COPD, and numerous other problems that are visually noticeable. There are many suffering from things that are not so noticeable, though. Things like depression, anxiety, broken hearts, emotional problems, drug abuse, and physical and mental abuse.
Many are having a hard time making it in this life because of all the physical and emotional problems, but many others are suffering because of the economy. Some don’t even have jobs to take care of their families. Our world is a mess.
Being a Christian, I trust God to help me and my family through this troubled world, with all the problems it brings. Even so, things aren’t always easy, and sometimes I get discouraged. Sometimes I’m not happy with how things are going in my life. Sometimes I wonder if things will ever get better, but I know, no matter what happens, Jesus will be there to help me make it through it. I always have hope.
My point, in laying out all these bad things that happen to people, is this; Even though I have Jesus to help me through all my problems, at times, things still seem unbearable, so I don’t see how people make it through those terrible times without Jesus by their side. I wonder about the ones who don’t believe in God at all. Where do they seek comfort in times of trouble? Many times they look for comfort from drugs and alcohol, which only adds to the problem.
The apostle Paul said, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable”(1 Corinthians 15:19). What about those who have no hope in Christ? What about those who have no hope at all? It’s sad to think there are so many in this troubled world, suffering from so many kinds of problems, and they have no hope for the future. No hope that things will get better. I believe that’s the main reason so many people end their lives. They have no hope. Jesus wants us to have hope. The Bible is full of messages of hope. Here are a few verses, that mention hope specifically, to help you with whatever you’re going through.
Romans 12:12  Rejoice in hope, be patient in times of trouble, be constant in prayer.
Romans 15:4 For whatever was written in former times was written for our instruction, that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have hope.
Romans 15:13  May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may have much hope.

My Blogs
© 2015 Teddy Lynn – All Rights Reserved
My books are available in paperback and digital format on Amazon @ 