February 13, 2016


The Sun is shining brightly, but it’s still cold. It’s the latter part of winter in Lone Oak, Mississippi. The last few months have been long and bitter. The promise of spring is in the air, and anticipations are high, but there are some who can only focus on the here and now. In the little two-room house, shared by Hugh and Ellen Spencer, and their eight children, fear fills every heart. 

Twelve-year-old Junie lies unconscious, stricken with a fever. She has been sick for weeks and has been at death’s door for several days now. Her mother has not left her side. She watches over her sweet child and prays for the fever to break. Many prayers are offered up to God as the family wonders if she will survive this ordeal that threatens to tear another child from her arms.
As Ellen places another wet towel on her daughter’s head she notices something that sends a chill down her spine. She shouts to her husband, “Hugh, Hugh, come quick.” As Hugh races frantically to the bedside of his sick child he is thinking the worst. As he enters the room, Ellen shouts, “Junie’s fever has broken! Send for Dr. Williams!”
As the sun shines directly overhead, a strange, but familiar noise grew louder and louder. The eldest son, Ervin, was returning home with the doctor. The strange noise was made by an automobile, which Dr. Williams drove. Not too common in the Lone Oak area, but a welcome site today.
“I heard the good news, Hugh. How’s our girl doing?” With a gleam of cheer in his voice, Hugh said, “Well Doc, That’s what we were hoping you could tell us. Come on In,” he added.
By now Junie was awake and sitting up in bed. The doctor examined her and then turned to address her parents. “Mr. and Mrs. Spencer,” he says with a smile, “Junie’s gonna be fine. Since she’s been cooped up in this room for weeks, I think some fresh air would do her good. You should open the door and window for a couple of hours and let the house air out, but she doesn’t need to be in the direct wind for long, so in the meantime, how would you like to go for a ride in an automobile, Junie?”
The ride was great, and Junie enjoyed it very much. It was an experience she would never forget. She never forgot her parent’s love and care for her either. She never forgot that God had brought her back from death’s door and added many years to her life. 

As I listened to my Grandmother tell this story, I could see the appreciation in her eyes, and hear it in her voice. She longed to see Jesus face to face and thank him, not just for what he did for her that winter, but for all he had done in her life afterward. She loved God and served him until the day she died. I can’t wait to see her again, after the resurrection, and watch the faces of my children and grandchildren light up, as our Grandmother tells this story and many others. I’m looking forward to it.
Adapted from the book Inspiration For The Journey by Teddy Lynn
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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful story of faith. Come Lord Jesus, come!
