May 19, 2018


I’ve always been interested in space. I remember learning about the planets, the stars, and the galaxies in school. It was so interesting to know there was so much out there beyond our little world. Then I heard about UFOs, and aliens. That was interesting, too. A little scary, but interesting. I wondered many times if there were aliens on other planets and if I would ever meet any.
When I was eight years old, I had a frightening dream. My sister and I were abducted by aliens. That dream returned, often, over, and over again for more than thirty years. During that time, I tried to make some kind of sense of it. Had we really been abducted by aliens? Were these repressed memories manifesting themselves in my dreams? What I finally found out was shocking. I’ll put a link to the full story at the end of this post.*
I’m still interested in aliens, space, and science. I sometimes watch TV shows about aliens and UFOs. There used to be TV shows where people who believed they had been abducted by aliens could share their stories. Those were very interesting and I would watch them every chance I got. Those stories were similar to mine and that kept me watching, hoping to get some answers.
There are still shows about UFO sightings. I watch some of those when I can. One of the things that confused me for years was that so many of these stories about UFO sightings, and alien abductions contradicted others. Sure, some of them were proven to be fake, so that explained a few things, but many others have never been proven to be true or false.
I've been a Christian now for many years. In reading the Bible, and communicating with God through prayer, many things have become clear to me. I gained a new perspective on things concerning space, aliens, and science. I realized that God is what’s missing from the equation many times when people try to understand things in this world, and in space.
I find it interesting that people believe in aliens but refuse to believe in God. Some even believe that aliens came here in the distant past, and somehow created humans. I believe it, too. That was God. It wasn’t little green or gray men from another planet. It was God. From heaven. Many ancient tales talk about beings from the stars coming and interacting with humans. Most legends come from something that actually happened like the legends of dragons. They were real. We call them dinosaurs today. In almost every culture, there’s a story about the biblical flood. The details differ from tale to tale but they all come from something that actually happened.
The beings from the stars are actually angels, and not all of them are good. Some of them are evil. Most people know the story of Satan and his angels who were kicked out of heaven. The Bible tells us that they and the holy angels have been interacting with mankind since God created the world.
I do believe there are other people on other planets outside our solar system. There is probably at least one inhabited planet in each of the trillions of galaxies spread throughout the universe. They are so far apart and so far from us, though, I doubt they could ever come here. Why would God allow them to come to our sin-cursed world anyway?
What about all those UFO sightings, then? Many of them have been well explained, but some are still a mystery. I won’t say it’s nothing or try to explain it all away because too many people have seen these things. The Bible says Satan is very smart, and he hates God and us. He has plans to destroy us, and he’ll use anything he possibly can to do that. He uses dinosaur bones to make people believe in evolution. That destroys people’s faith in God, and his holy word because evolution puts death before sin when the Bible clearly says death came into the world because of Adam’s sin. Maybe Satan is using UFOs, and aliens to distort some other truth about God. I don’t know.
What I do know is this; If we understand that God created everything, and we study the Bible, many mysteries are cleared up. I know we’ll never understand everything, but when we put God back into the equation, many things make more sense.
God made the world. He created mankind on the earth, and God is in charge. Many refuse to acknowledge that fact because they don’t want to do what he says. They don’t want to be accountable to him, so they look for any other answer except God. Don’t be one of those people. Give God the credit for what he has done. Give him the praise and glory he deserves. Get to know him, and his Son, Jesus, through prayer and Bible study. Give your life, and your whole self to him. Serve him, help others to know him, and be prepared for his soon return. When the trumpet sounds, and he appears in the sky, you’ll be glad you did.
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1 comment:

  1. I sure do agree with this, and im so grateful that God us in control.
