June 28, 2015


I was raised in church and I grew up reading the Bible. I’ve attended several different churches and I often wondered why there were so many different denominations. We have the same Bible but there are so many different interpretations of the same scriptures. All Christians have a few doctrines that we believe pretty much the same as other Christians but each group seems to have a few things that are vastly different from all the other groups. This is the reason for so many different denominations. It seems that all denominations began by following one man or a few who believed certain doctrines that were not excepted by the group they were currently associated with. When there were strong disagreements on doctrine, one group would leave and start their own church. I’ve seen that happen in my lifetime.
The fact is, the Bible is God’s word. It was inspired by the Holy Spirit and preserved for us by God for thousands of years, so we would be able to know God better and understand His great love for us and what He expects from us. He never meant for us to have more than one denomination. It doesn’t matter how many different beliefs we may have, there’s only one truth and there’s only one place we can find it. It’s in God’s Holy Book, the Bible. For proof that the Bible is God’s word, read the article entitled “Is The Bible Really God’s Word?” *
When Jesus was being questioned by Pilot, his final question was, “What is truth?” (John 18:38) He didn’t wait for Jesus to answer him, though. If he had, I’m sure Jesus would have told him the same thing he said in John 17:17 when he was talking to God. Jesus said, “Sanctify them through Your truth: Your Word is Truth.” The word of God, the Bible, is TRUTH. When we need to know the truth, the Bible will show us. Many today, though, don’t believe the Bible is true, even Christians doubt it. Many people pick and choose what to believe and what not to believe based on what they want to do and don’t want to. The Bible says, “don’t kill” but they want to kill, so they just redefine what killing means.
Proof? Abortion. Life is life, no matter what stage it is in, but some said, “No!” They changed the definition of an unborn baby to a “fetus” and said it’s okay to kill a fetus as long as it is not old enough to live outside the womb. Then they changed that and introduced late-term abortion. Later they introduced partial-birth abortion where the baby is killed after it is almost out of the womb. Thank God that awful procedure was made illegal in 2003. Now they’re trying desperately to make the world believe a child doesn’t develop a conscience until they are five years old and therefore they are not a human being before then. This is just another step in redefining what killing is, simply because many humans don’t want to obey God.
Another example: The Catholic Church changed the Ten Commandments by getting rid of the second commandment completely because they didn’t want to obey God when he said not to worship carved or sculpted images. They split the tenth commandment into two, so there would still be ten. By the way, the Catholic church claims they moved the holiness that God placed on the seventh day Sabbath at creation (Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11) to Sunday, the first day of the week.
That’s another example: The fourth commandment. The Sabbath commandment, which states “the Seventh Day Is The Sabbath Of The LORD Your God”. It IS a commandment, NOT a suggestion, but some people decided they didn’t want to obey God so they started using the first day of the week instead of the seventh. By the way, this happened long before there was ever a Catholic. They used the day of the sun, or the sun day to worship the sun god Tamoos. Constantine was the first Roman emperor to profess Christianity. In 321 A.D. he made an edict that forced Christians to worship on Sunday instead of Saturday, which he saw as Jewish. In 364 A.D. the Council of Laodicea made the following decree.
“Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday (Sabbath), but shall work on that Day: but the Lord’s Day, they shall especially honor; and as being Christians, shall, if possible, do no work on that day. If however, they are found Judaizing, they shall be shut out from Christ. **
This is what happens when men don’t want to obey God’s laws. They change them. There is not a bit of proof in the Bible that God changed his fourth commandment in any way, but millions of Christians defend the change with vigor and refuse to worship God on the day he said to. Sure, some have been deceived, but many know the truth but still will not obey God.
These are just three modern-day examples of what happens when people don’t want to obey God. To make ourselves feel better about sinning, we “change” the rules, or the definition of terms or just ignore them altogether. Whatever helps us sleep at night. We are just fooling ourselves though. No unrighteousness will enter the kingdom of God. (Matthew 7:21; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5:1-20) We have to obey God to get to heaven, and we need to stop twisting the scriptures to suit our own beliefs. (2 Peter 3:16) We will be judged by whether or not we obeyed the words of the Bible. (John 12:48) It is God’s word. It is TRUTH.
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