July 02, 2015


In this world of selfishness, it’s growing more and more difficult to trust others. People lie, cheat, steal, kill and do all kinds of immoral deeds just to satisfy their own lustful desires, without any concern for the feelings of others. Is it any wonder that people don’t trust God? Unless a person knows him pretty well, why would they trust him? That’s Satan’s plan. He doesn’t have to get us to rebel against God or do all those despicable things that so many others are doing. If he can weaken our trust in God, he knows that eventually, we’ll turn away from God. That’s more likely than you may think. I grew up in church. I’ve seen it happen to many people. It happened to me. We have to trust God. We MUST trust him.
Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”
Psalm 62:8 says, “Trust in him at all times, you people, pour out your heart before him. God is a refuge for us.”
How do we put our trust in God? Well, in the beginning, it’s easier said than done. Anyone who has ever been in a relationship of any kind knows that trust is usually not something that is just automatically there. Trust has to be earned. You don’t trust someone that you don’t know; At least not completely. God wants us to have complete and total trust in him.
How do we do that? We have to develop a close personal relationship with God. He will earn your trust as the relationship grows, and soon, you will be able to trust Him completely. Even when things aren’t going well. Now comes another question. How do we get to know God and build that relationship? The answer is simple. Through prayer, Bible reading, and Bible study.
Psalm 73:28 says, “But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, so I may declare all your works.
As you read and study God’s word, you’ll get to know him by reading about him, and he will speak to you through his word. You’ll read about how he created everything, and how much he loves his creation, including you. You’ll read about many of his followers and their relationships with him, and you’ll learn more about how you can have a great relationship with him.
When you read about what he has done for others, and see what he does in your life, then you’ll begin to understand why so many others love him and trust him with their lives. As you study his book and get to know him, you’ll begin to see that you CAN trust him, but you have to get to know him, so start reading the bible today. It’s a great book, and I highly recommend it.
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