August 11, 2024


I’ve always been amazed that so many Christians can read the same Bible and have many different beliefs. This is why there are so many different denominations. I’m also amazed when several scientists view the same archaeological evidence, and come to very different conclusions, especially concerning the age of the earth, dinosaurs, and other fossils.

It’s the same with politics. Democrats and Republicans are now so far apart in beliefs and ideas that it seems there’s not even a few issues we can agree on. It all comes down to our worldview. Our worldview, or how we look at the world, determines everything else we believe, as well as how we act, and how we treat others in our everyday lives.

That’s why it’s very important to have a “Biblical Worldview.” In other words, we need to see the world through the lens of God’s holy word, the Bible. You may ask, What good is a biblical worldview when there are so many different opinions, and interpretations of God’s word? That’s a good question. The answer is simple. The Bible says spiritual things are spiritually discerned (1 Corinthians 2:13-14). Jesus said, Everyone must be born again (John 3: 1-7).

There are many people who claim to be Christians, but do not bear the fruits of a Christian. Jesus said his Born Again followers will be known by their fruits, which are the works or deeds that they do (Matthew 7:16). Nobody knows everything, no matter how close we are to God, but if a person is not born again, with the Holy Spirit living inside, they cannot understand the Bible correctly.

Unfortunately, there are many people who have not been born again, but claim to be Christians simply because they believe God exists. They don’t believe IN God, they just believe there is a God, and they think that makes them a Christian. When Jesus returns, those people will be in the group that Jesus tells to depart from him because he never knew them. They never knew him, nor had a relationship with him.

The Bible is an awesome book. It’s God’s instructions to every human on how to be saved, and what to do after we’re saved. We need the Holy Spirit to help us understand the word of God, and to help us carry out his instructions.

If you haven’t been born again and become a new creature with the Holy Spirit living in your mind, then you’re not saved. Just believing that God exists does not save us. The Bible says the demons believe, but they’re certainly not saved (James 2:9). We must be born again for the blood of Jesus to wash away our sins, and to inherit eternal life.

Jesus loves you so much that he suffered and died to save you. He wants you to live with him forever, so don’t wait another minute. Trust in Jesus right now. Repent and be born again, and receive eternal life (Romans 6:23; John 3:16).

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