May 27, 2023


Genesis chapter 10 briefly mentions a man named Peleg and says the earth was divided in his days. The Bible doesn’t tell us much about Peleg, but we can uncover more than we see at first glance by looking at the scriptures surrounding the introduction of this man. For one, we know that he lived after the great worldwide flood because he was a descendant of Shem, one of Noah’s sons. He was actually Shem’s great, great, grandson.

Genesis 10:22
 The children of Shem were Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram….
24 Arphaxad had Salah;
and Salah had Eber.
25 Eber had two sons: the name of one was Peleg; because the earth was divided in his days, and his brother’s name was Joktan.

This is the genealogy of Noah’s descendants after the flood. The genealogy record in 1 Chronicles 1:19 says the same thing about Peleg that Genesis does; “the Earth was divided in his days.” What does that mean?

Well, some Christians believe this verse may confirm the evolutionary theory about Pangaea, where a great land mass or supercontinent broke up and formed the continents we now have. The Bible does say that God made one great land mass when he separated the water from the dry land on the third day of creation week, but the waters of the global flood drastically changed the surface of the earth while it rained for forty days, and during the time it covered the earth, and as the water receded.

Peleg was born almost 200 years after the flood. As I always say, we need to look to the Bible to develop our beliefs, not to the secular world that rejects God and teaches evolution. Let’s look at verses 1 and 5 of Genesis chapter 10.

Genesis 10:1
 These are the descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; sons were born to them after the flood.

Genesis 10:5
 By these men, the lands of the Gentiles were divided on the earth by languages, families, and nations.

How does that verse say the earth was divided?
By men. Mere humans. Specifically, the descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah (Genesis 10:1).

What kind of division was it?
The land (Earth) was divided by languages, families, and nations.

One of Noah’s great-grandsons was Nimrod. Genesis 10:10 says the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and three other cities. Genesis 11:1-9 tells us about the Tower of Babel and says everyone on earth spoke the same language at that time; there was only one. Then the sons of men started building the tower to reach high into the sky to make a name for themselves, and to be honored by the people (Genesis 11:1-9).

God saw what they were doing, so he came down and confused their languages so they couldn’t continue building the tower, and he scattered them across the Earth (Genesis 11:5-9). Look at these next verses closely.

Genesis 10:31-32
 These were the sons of Shem, by their families, and their languages, in their lands, and their nations.
32 These were the descendants of the sons of Noah, in their generations, in their nations: and by them, the nations were divided on the earth after the flood.

Genesis 10:5
 By these men, the lands of the Gentiles were divided on the earth by languages, families, and nations.

So clearly, the earth was divided in Peleg’s day by Families, Languages, and Nations. This is a good example of how to study the Bible. Search the scriptures, and compare scriptures to understand all the Bible says about any subject. God bless you in your study of his holy word.

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