Recently, I had to take a trip to the emergency room. In giving the diagnosis, the attending physician used some foul language. It made me cringe so, that I was sure she saw my displeasure in my expression. Several months before that, the same thing happened at another emergency room when I rushed my friend there from work after she got her hand caught in a machine. That type of language is unnecessary, uncalled for, and UNPROFESSIONAL.
I realize it has become commonplace, but there are still plenty of people out there who don’t want to hear that kind of talk. I know I don’t. I remember many years ago when there was a lot of debate over foul language in TV, movies, and music. People who couldn’t care less said, “If you don’t like it, turn it off. That’s what the buttons are for.” I agree. What we and our children see and hear in the privacy of our own homes is up to us, but we shouldn’t have to be subjected to that kind of language everywhere we go.
I understand freedom of speech, and I’m all for it. I just think when you’re a professional, and you’re dealing with the public, you should be aware that there ARE people who don’t talk that way and are raising their children not to talk that way, and they don’t want to hear bad language or have their kids exposed to it. People who are serving the public should have respect for the people who come into their business. I know you want return customers, so how many do you think may not return because you use bad language?
I’m seeing it more and more in the professional world. I see it in emails I receive from professionals. I experienced it recently in a live training session. I see it in training videos, and lately, I’m seeing and hearing it on the news, and even from our elected officials. Totally unprofessional.
Beside the fact that it’s unprofessional, God tells us in his Holy Word that this kind of thing is unacceptable. It’s sad, but I see many Christians using foul language, and I’m not talking about just when they get angry or hurt, (which is not a good excuse either) but I’m talking about just in everyday life. Like my Grandmother used to say, “they cuss like sailors,” and they don’t see anything wrong with it.
I’m certainly not claiming to be perfect. I’ve said my share of bad words in the past, and I won’t swear on my mother’s life that I won’t again. I want to please God, though, and I need positive influences in my life. Whatever we hear and see regularly, that’s what we become like. If we allow our minds to be constantly bombarded by bad words, they tend to pop out of our mouths when we least expect it. The more we allow that to happen, the more it happens, until we’re just like everybody else. I know this to be true from my own experience.
While I’m talking to you “Professionals,” let me kindly say this: Just because my skin is the same color as yours, doesn’t mean I share your racist views about others whose skin is a different color. Please, keep your opinion on that to yourself, and just give me the service I’m paying you for. That’s the professional thing to do. By the way, there’s only one race; The human race. We’re all the same in God’s eyes.
Just a quick side-note to Christians. Stop putting other denominations down, and making fun of their beliefs. Stop calling them names, and ridiculing them because you believe differently than they do. Instead, pray for them, and maybe try and find some positive way to show them the truth you think you have. If you’ll study God’s word, you’ll discover that’s what we should be doing anyway, instead of acting like a bunch of little school kids who are being raised by Adolf Hitler. If you study the Bible every day, you’ll probably see that some of the things you believe are wrong as well. That’s all part of growing in Christ. We learn as we grow and we need to humble ourselves and realize there are others who don’t have the same level of biblical knowledge as we may have, and that there are others who are far more advanced than we may be.
We don’t all have to agree on everything to be kind to each other. That includes religion and politics. We all have our differences, and we all disagree with somebody, somewhere, on something. Some people are not always nice to others they disagree with, but disagreement doesn’t always equal hate or fear, and it’s okay to calmly tell someone you disagree with them. If someone says they disagree with you, don’t lose your mind. A soft reply turns away anger, but harsh words stir up anger (Proverbs 15:1).
Professionals, you need to act professionally. Show courtesy for your customers, and speak words of encouragement, instead of words that discourage them from returning to you in the future. This will help your business, and you as well, and it will go a long way in making our world a better place to live.
If you’re interested in knowing what the Bible says about how we should and shouldn’t talk, read “What’s Wrong With Using Profanity?”
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