November 07, 2020


I’ve had many scrapes, cuts, and bruises over the years, and they all hurt. Many of them left scars, so it’s not hard to remember them. There were a few incidents that were kind of related, at least to a certain part of my body; A very sensitive part that causes severe pain when damaged. I’ve been hurt there many times over the years, but I’m only going to tell you about three of them today. I’ll say this, and I sincerely mean it; As many times as I’ve been hurt there, I’m surprised I was able to have children.

When I was about 12 years old, we lived directly behind one of the neighborhood stores in the small town of Theo, Mississippi. The store owner’s son was one of my friends. Sometimes he would get off the bus at the store, and stay there with his dad until closing. Many times he would come and stay at my house until just before his dad got ready to lock up. One of those times, as he was leaving, it was just before dark. I was outside talking with him as he walked backward toward the store. For some reason, he decided to throw a rock in my direction. We had been playing with the basketball, and I was about to take it into the house with me. As he threw another rock, I ran to where it was headed and let it bounce off the ball. He threw a few more a bit higher, and I intercepted each of them with the ball to see how far I could bounce them.

Then it happened. I missed the rock, but the rock didn’t miss me. It hit me right in the midsection. I dropped the ball and hobbled into the house crying so hard I could barely see. I crawled onto my grandmother’s bed and curled up in agony. I was in a lot of pain. I lay there for what seemed like forever, then I guess I finally went to sleep. When I woke up, I was a little better, but I was still hurting the next day. For a long time after that, I would have sporadic pains there that would remind me of that day. Needless to say, I never tried that again.

A few years earlier, a girl at school kicked me there for no reason. I guess she had a reason but it was nothing I did. Our teacher saw what happened and asked her why she would do that. She said she meant to kick me on the thigh, but she never said why she wanted to kick me in the first place. The teacher made her apologize, but that didn’t stop the pain.

When I was 23, I was working at a pallet factory. I was running the notcher, which is a machine that puts the holes in the 2x4s for the forklift tines or a pallet jack to slide in and lift the pallet from the side. The process involved placing three 2x4s in the machine, pushing them back into position against the fence, flipping a switch to bring the top part down to clamp the wood, and holding it in the machine while the notching head came down with a million teeth spinning at a very high speed. The operator controls how fast the head moves downward, so the faster you bring the head down, the more 2x4s you can notch, and the more 2x4s you notch, the faster you can finish the job, so I was going as fast as possible.

Then, the cutter head hit a knot and shattered all three 2x4s. the end of one of them flew out and hit me there very hard. It hurt very, very bad, and made a bruise there, and on the inside of my thigh that took more than a week to go away, and there was severe swelling in my privates.

When I was young, my grandmother and my aunt told me that I may not be able to have children if I kept damaging myself there, and I believed them, but God took care of me, and I now have three wonderful children and three grandchildren. I love them all very, much. I’m truly blessed.

In many places in the Bible, we are told that children are a blessing. Psalm 127 says that children are a heritage of the Lord and a reward. They’re like arrows in the hand of a mighty man, and a man who has his quiver full of them is happy.

People don’t always see children as a blessing though. I know I didn’t always. That’s because humans are selfish. Too many children are being neglected and mistreated in our world today. It’s sad that so many people see children as an inconvenience. So much so that they will kill them before they are born and many want to be able to lawfully kill them even after they are born. God has always condemned the nations that killed children and he’s not going to stand by and let our nation keep killing babies without judgment.

I pray that the people of our world will begin to see life as something to be cherished, protected, and preserved instead of something meaningless and worthless. We need to love and protect children and see them as God does. After all, children are the future of our world.

My Blogs

© 2020 Teddy Lynn – All Rights Reserved

My books are available in paperback and digital format on Amazon @

July 24, 2020


For some of you who don’t know me, this story may reveal my age, but to some of you much younger people, it may make you think I’m older than actually am.

When I was in the first grade, once in a while, we would watch a film on a reel-to-reel projector. A vinyl record contained the audio track. We also had records that read books for us with a ding to tell us when to turn the page, but that’s another story.

One time, we saw an animated film about a man who, somehow, ended up in the land of Giants. He was captured by one of them and taken home. I don’t remember if the giant was going to eat him or keep him as a pet.

The Giant’s wife felt bad for the little man and tried to help him escape but her husband caught him before he got away. I don’t remember all the details, but I do remember another giant coming along, and the two giants started fighting over the little man. As they fought, they began moving so fast and swinging their arms so violently that they somehow propelled themselves into the clouds. The point of the story was that the sound of thunder is the noise of the two giants still fighting in the clouds.

As an adult, I understand that this is a fairy tale made for entertainment, but as a six-year-old kid, I thought it was true. I didn’t even realize it was animated. Kids today may not be that gullible, but they’re exposed to many things in movies, and TV shows that are not true. They’re also exposed to many things that are true but are not good. We can expect secular entertainment to be filled with lies and things that are not good for viewers of any age, but you’d think that Christian entertainment would be different. While there are many good, and decent things for Christians to watch, there are just as many that aren’t.

I could write a lot of words here about the many Christian movies that have errors, and even lies in them, but what I really want to do is encourage you to read, and study the Bible so you can see these errors for yourself. Jesus said, You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). He also said that God’s word is the truth (John 17:17). That's the Bible. 

If we don’t know the truth we’re in bondage. We have to believe whatever we’re told, and that’s more likely to be false in this day and age. The only way to know the truth is to know the author of truth. That’s Jesus. He said we would be judged by the words that he spoke (John 12:48). That’s also the Bible. Read and study his words daily. Get to know him personally, and be set free.

My Blogs

© 2020 Teddy Lynn – All Rights Reserved

My books are available in paperback and digital format on Amazon @

July 18, 2020


I was walking through town one day headed home like I do every day when I came to the bus stop. I said to myself, self, you have a few extra dollars so there’s no need to walk across town and narrowly miss being killed by three cars, a garbage truck, and a third-grader on a bike who thinks he’s some kind of ninja when you don’t really have to.

I liked the idea I just had, so I sat down on the bench and started waiting for the bus, which I was sure would be along any time now. I had only been sitting there for a few minutes when a rabbit walked up wearing a Hawaiian shirt and carrying a suitcase with stickers all over it.

He sat down beside me and started talking about all the places he’d been. He talked about his three kids and his nephews, and Bob down at the office. He talked about his wife at home with three broken legs. He said she should have been faster when taking carrots out of Farmer Johnson’s garden. That one was kinda sad, but he just kept talking, and talking, and talking. Blah, blah, blah.

In my mind, I was thinking, where in the world is that bus? It should have been here by now. This rabbit is driving me insane. He’s been talking non-stop since he got here. Then he started telling the same stories over again that he had already told me just ten minutes ago.

 Then he started telling jokes; lame jokes. He said a horse walked into a bar and the bartender said hey buddy why the long face? Then he rolled around on the ground laughing for several minutes. He thought it was so funny, but I was scratching my head and thinking, “I don’t get it. I really don’t get it.”

The bus finally arrived, and I grabbed my jacket and jumped on as quickly as I could. I grabbed a window seat and started to relax when all of a sudden, I saw that rabbit getting on the same bus, and guess where he sat. You guessed it. He sat right beside me and started telling me the same stories he had already told me twice already. Aaaaaaaaagggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

My Blogs

© 2020 Teddy Lynn – All Rights Reserved

My books are available in paperback and digital format on Amazon @


July 17, 2020


One day I was walking in the woods and met a squirrel. I looked at him, and he looked at me. I said, “Hi.” Then he said, “Hi.” I said, “Wow, a talking squirrel.” He said, “Wow, a talking squirrel.” We just stared at each other for a minute, then we both went our separate ways.
My Blogs
© 2020 Teddy Lynn – All Rights Reserved
My books are available in paperback and digital format on Amazon @

July 03, 2020


When I was a young man, I went to a party one night where everyone was drinking, including me. There was an older woman there who was probably twice my age. She kept making passes at me. I tried to let her know I wasn’t interested without hurting her feelings, but she didn’t give up. She actually became more insistent as the night went on. She was so determined that I decided I had to get out of there. Even though I was drunk, and knew I shouldn’t be driving, I got in my car and started home, which was about 25 miles away.

About a mile from the party, there was a 45-degree curve. I remember waking up as the car went off the road in the curve. I remember struggling to get back on the road, and that was the last thing I remembered until I woke up in my own bed the next morning.

God protected me and brought me home when I was not able to do it myself, even when I was in total rebellion against him. I was a poor, wretched, miserable sinner, but God had plans for my life. He has protected me from tragedy many times, and I’m so thankful I didn’t die when I was living a life of sin. I know I would have died that night if God hadn’t protected me.

He protects us many times when we’re not aware of his presence. Contrary to popular belief, he even protects people who are not saved, and who have no intention of living for him. Jesus wants us to accept his free gift of salvation before we die. He loves us, no matter who we are, or what we’ve done. He doesn’t want anyone to be lost, so he gives us every opportunity that he possibly can for us to be saved. He came and lived on earth, and died to free us from sin.

God showed us how much he loves us by sending Jesus to die for us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8). Jesus showed his great love for us by giving his life on the cross. Colossians 1:21 says we’re actually his enemies before we’re born again, but he loves his enemies just as he commands us to love ours (Matthew 5:44). So remember that the next time someone hurts you. Jesus said we are to pray for them and treat them with kindness.

Also remember to never, ever drink and drive. It’s too dangerous. You not only put your own life in danger but the lives of everyone else on the road. It’s best not to drink alcohol at all. We need a clear mind to make good decisions, and the Bible says drunkards will not go to heaven (1 Corinthians 6:10). Read WHAT’S WRONG WITH DRINKING ALCOHOL to see what the Bible says about it.

We all need to commit ourselves to God, accept his free gift of salvation, and be born again. We also need to avoid situations where Satan and his demons can have easier access to us; like parties, nightclubs, and places where drugs or alcohol are present. We can have plenty of fun without all that stuff.

What’s Wrong With Drinking Alcohol?

My Blogs

© 2020 Teddy Lynn – All Rights Reserved

My books are available in paperback and digital format on Amazon @

February 10, 2020


In my mind, my Aunt Lee was a miracle worker, an inventor, a pioneer, and an amazing aunt, among other things. She wasn’t perfect, but we loved her very much, and she loved us. She was smart. She was a very hard worker, and very independent. She was an average-sized woman, but she had muscles like a man. She had a hard life. She grew up in the early 1900s working in the fields in Mississippi. She was born on 1/1/1919.
She was actually my great aunt, my grandmother’s sister. Their mother was a Cherokee Indian. They still practiced some of the old ways of our ancestors; Especially natural healing, although some of that had been diluted over the years. One of my sisters fell over on a wood-burning heater when she was just learning to walk. She burned her head badly before anyone could get her off the heater. I remember Aunt Lee and my grandmother putting some kind of concoction on it. They said it would “Take the fire out of it.” It healed, but she still has a spot on her head with no hair to this day.
A few years later, I burned the back of my hand on the same kind of heater. My aunt went out and found an earthworm, and fried it in a skillet with some other stuff. Then she mixed it with some molasses, and God only knows what else. She made a poultice with it, and put it on my hand to “Take the fire out of it.” It healed up, but it left an ugly scar. I could still see it after I became an adult, but it had moved several inches up my arm. Today, I can’t see it at all.
She taught us how to live off the land, mainly by gardening, and canning to preserve food for later. She had a peach orchard in her backyard beside her garden. In the summer we helped her and our grandmother work in the garden and then harvest it. We had fresh vegetables all summer and we canned some of them in jars for the winter. We canned peaches and made peach cobbler pie. 
She was the first person to ever take us fishing. There was a small bridge over a large creek below Dead Man's Curve on Highway 72. We fished for a while and caught several "big ones." When we got back to her house, she put the fish in a big iron pot and poured scalding hot water on them. If I remember correctly, she had her stepson scrape all the scales off with a knife and clean the fish. Then she cooked them. When they were done, she magically removed all the bones “so we wouldn’t get choked, and die.” I didn’t know how she did it at the time, but I was glad to know I could eat it without dying.
She was a miracle worker alright. She always had cornbread. She would make it in a big skillet and it would be thick, too. What was left, she would save for the next day. By then, it would be hard and tough, but she had a little trick. She would carefully pour milk or water over the bread slowly enough to let it soak in. Then she would warm it up in the oven and make it just as good as it was the day it was cooked.
She could work a miracle with milk as well. She could take a gallon of milk, and magically turn it into two gallons right before your eyes. It wasn’t really magic, of course. She would buy a new gallon of milk, then pour half of the full gallon into an empty milk jug, then fill both of them up with water. Boom! She instantly made two gallons of milk from one. When I talked to my kids about that years later, I joked that she invented 1% milk or more like .5%. Haha. In reality, I guess it was 50% milk, but I just remember thinking it tasted like it was mostly water.
I really do think she invented bacon bits. She would intentionally cook her bacon too long, and when it cooled down, it would be very brittle. "Brickle, as she called it." Then she would break it up into small pieces and put them on her eggs. She made ours like that sometimes when we would eat with her and it tasted pretty good.
She was a pretty remarkable woman, and she always challenged us to be all we could possibly be in every area of our lives. When I started learning my multiplication tables, I had to write them all out. When I told her what I was having to do, she asked me how high I was having to go. I told her “ones through twelves. That’s as high as they go.” She told me I needed to go to my twenties. I thought that was too much. Writing all those lines up through the twelves was too much for me, but I did what she told me to, and you know what? I don’t remember what 13×5, 6, or 7 is.
She was tall and skinny and built like a man. She spent most of her life working like a man. She built things and repaired things. She had an outhouse for years, but she finally built a bathroom inside when we were older. She had all kinds of things in her house that I always thought was pretty neat. There was painter’s putty, paint, gaskets for cars, corkboard to make gaskets, and all kinds of other stuff.
She had an antique, foot pedal-operated sewing machine that she used to make quilts and clothes. They looked professional, too. She made many of our clothes. She had a collection of patterns for everything, I guess. She had crocheting needles, hooks, yarn, and a neat sewing basket with all kinds of needles, thimbles, threaders, and every color thread you could think of. She had an awesome button collection with every color, shape, and size you could imagine.
She used to make toys for us from the empty thread spools. She had a checkerboard that she had made from a piece of paneling. She uses old soda bottle caps for the checkers. She gave it to us when we were older but I don’t remember what ever happened to it.
She had an entire wall filled with pictures and not many matching frames. Some were metal, some were plastic and some were wood. They were all different sizes, too. She was a pioneer in that area. At a time when that wasn’t popular, she dared to do it.
She had the first T.V. I ever remember seeing. It was a big floor model in a brightly stained wooden cabinet. There was room on the top for her big, black telephone with the clear rotary dial and the long spiral wire that connected the receiver. She was on a party line, which meant she shared the line with a few other people. I remember picking up the receiver one time and hearing two older ladies talking. It scared me to death. I just knew they would tell my aunt that I was messing with her phone when I had been specifically told not to. I don’t know why I thought they would even know who it was, but I was scared anyway.
There was also room on her TV for an ashtray, a stack of papers, a telephone directory, and a lamp, if I remember correctly. At one point, she had a small, green, ceramic planter made to look like a log. She had a small green plant in it with small leaves. It ran up and over the top of the curtains that covered her large, picture window. We didn’t have a TV at home so we thought it was amazing to watch, on the rare occasion when she would have it on during our visits. I remember seeing shows like Bonanza, Gun Smoke, and Hee Haw.
One day the picture tube went out on the TV, so it wouldn’t show a picture. The audio still worked though, so she listened to it like a radio for a while. She didn’t have a lot of money, so she couldn’t just run out and buy a new set, but she got a used one that showed a picture, but had no sound. It was smaller than her floor set, so she put it on top of the big one, and turned both of them on. Then once again, she could see what she was hearing. Creative and innovative.
She was married a few times. All of her husbands had died except one. I thought he was dead for a few years because he wasn’t with her, and we had never seen him. I heard her talking about him having an accident that broke his neck. For some reason, I thought a person died if they had a broken neck, but evidently, he didn’t. I found out when I was older that he was very much alive.
She had several men to come courting, but we didn’t know that was what they were doing at the time. Finally, when we were older, she met Uncle Tony and married him. We grew to love him as much as we loved her.
I only remember being angry with her a few times. Once, I did something I shouldn’t have done. I don’t remember what it was, but she was going to whip me, so I ran from her. Big mistake. She chased me, and she was pretty fast, too.
I ran around behind our house. Then I saw a shed that my uncle had built so I ran around behind it but the woods were thick back there, so I was forced to turn back to the path I had been on behind the house. When I came out from behind the shed, there she was! She had cut me off. I remember screaming because I was shocked to see her there, and she almost got me. Now she was even closer than before. She was right on my heels.
I was running to find my grandmother. When I finally made it to her, I ran behind her, but that didn’t help much. Aunt Lee reached over my grandmother’s shoulder and slapped me. She hit me right in the mouth and made my lip bleed. My grandmother didn’t like that at all, so they had an argument which actually happened probably once every couple of months anyway, for some reason or another. Sometimes they would get so mad at each other that they would go weeks without even speaking to each other, even though we lived right next door.
She wasn’t really a bad person. She was just human, like the rest of us, but she certainly loved her family, and she had a good heart.
When my sisters, and I were taken away from our grandmother, and put into foster care, she did everything she could to help her get us back. She helped her buy a mobile home, and she gave us some property to put it on. She helped our grandmother raise us, educate us, and take care of us. I have a lot of good memories of her.
Like a lot of others, I have many bad memories from my childhood, but I have plenty of good memories, too, and those are the ones I try to focus on the most. That’s what we should all do; Focus on the good things rather than the bad.
In Philippians 4:8, the Apostle Paul tells us this; “Whatever is true, honest, right, and pure, whatever is friendly, respectful, virtuous, and worthy of praise, think about these things.” If we would all follow these instructions every day, we would be much happier people. Let’s try it; Shall we?
My Blogs
© 2020 Teddy Lynn – All Rights Reserved
My books are available in paperback and digital format on Amazon @

January 19, 2020


When I was a young man, I had several strange experiences. I want to share a couple of them with you today. This one happened when I was nineteen or twenty years old. I was a young Christian and I was always looking for opportunities to help others. When I saw someone with car trouble on the side of the road, I would stop and try to help. When I saw someone walking, I would always stop and offer them a ride.
One day, I was driving West on Highway 72 just outside Walnut, Mississippi. I saw a man walking on the side of the road and figured he needed a ride so I pulled off the road just in front of him to see if he did. I didn’t even have time to ask if he needed a ride. As soon as I stopped, he hurried to my car and opened the passenger side door, and got in. I asked him where he was going and he said, “Just up the road.”
He started talking as soon as he sat down. He didn’t give me much opportunity to say anything. In the midst of all his talking, he said he was an angel. I was surprised, and a bit skeptical. His eyes looked like he had been drinking, and his clothes and hair were a mess, so I had my doubts. I don’t remember half of what he said because he was talking a mile a minute. He talked about all kinds of stuff including God and angels, and then he started saying something about Mexican people being demons; Diablos, he said. Right away I knew he wasn’t what he was claiming to be.
He might be an angel, but not an angel of God. I didn’t know how to respond to the crazy things he was saying. When he seemed to finally be out of things to say, I nervously said, “Are you really an angel?” As I asked the question, I glanced his way. I could see that he was very angry as he turned and stared at me with bloodshot eyes and an evil look on his face. With a loud voice, he said, “Man, I don’t lie. You don’t know what I can do. I could kill you and take your car, and leave you on the side of the road. I could destroy that bridge and pick this car up off the road and fly us right across.”
At that point, I didn’t hear or understand anything else he said. I just remember he was talking loud and cursing. I was so scared that all I could do was pray. I said, “God, please help me. Please get this guy out of my car.” Well, God answered my prayer. A traffic light was just ahead, and Thank God it was red. As soon as I stopped, the guy opened the door and stepped out of the car, and walked away without saying a word. As soon as that light changed to green, I got out of there as fast as I could. I was so glad and so thankful to God for answering my plea for help. I thanked him over and over for protecting me and getting me away from that guy unharmed. Thank you again, Father. Thank you.
Another time, before that incident, I was on the same road, headed in the same direction, but further east. I was driving with the windows down enjoying the fresh air. It was late spring or early summer. It was late afternoon and the weather was nice. The sun was shining but there was a nice cool breeze. I remember seeing the yellow sage grass on the lower side of the road softly moving back and forth.
I was leaving Corinth, headed west when I saw a man walking West on the shoulder of the highway. He was carrying a small bag on his shoulder so I figured he was traveling a good distance. I pulled off the road a few yards in front of him and waited for him to walk up to the car so I could offer him a ride. He walked up to the passenger door and bent down to look inside the car. I said, “Do you need a ride?” He looked at me with a smile and said, “No, it’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining. I think I’ll just walk, and enjoy it for a while.” I said, “Okay. You have a good day.” He said, “And you as well.”
I checked for traffic, then pulled out on the highway. As I drove away, I glanced at the rear-view mirror to take a last look at the guy, but I didn’t see him. I quickly turned and look out my back window but he just wasn’t there. Where was he? What had happened to him? I thought he may have stepped down the embankment on the side of the road, or maybe he had sat down. Back then, the road was only two lanes, so I quickly turned around and went back to where I had stopped and talked to him. He was nowhere in sight. I looked everywhere, but he was just gone. He disappeared too quickly for any other explanation. I’m sure I encountered an angel that day. When that thought occurred to me, I remembered the smile and the look of peace on his face and how calm and gentle his voice was when he spoke to me, and then I was sure. He must have been an angel, or Jesus himself. That was an amazing experience. It reminds me of two verses from the Bible. One is found in Hebrews 13:2.
Hebrews 13:2
2 Do not forget to entertain strangers because by doing so, some have unknowingly entertained angels.
I’ve had several amazing experiences, and some very strange ones when stopping to help people and giving people rides on the highway over the years, and I’m so thankful to God for protecting me when I’m trying to help others. In our world today, it can be dangerous to deal with strangers, but that shouldn’t deter us from helping others. I still stop and offer to help people, but I pray first and ask God if I should. Sometimes he says yes, and sometimes he says no. If I don’t stop I always pray for them. Sometimes that’s all you can do for people anyway, but if it were me out there, I would hope someone would at least offer to help.
Constant communication with God is very important. 1 Thessalonians 5:1 says, “Pray without ceasing.” We need his guidance in every situation. We don’t need to wait until we’re in trouble before asking for his help. Many times, the messes we get ourselves in could have been avoided if we had just talked to him first. We can be good Christians. We can obey God and show love and kindness to others like we’re commanded and we can be safe from those who would harm us if we depend on him for help and guidance.
The second verse I was thinking of is found in Matthew 25:31-46 where Jesus is talking about what will happen in the judgment when he returns and separates the sheep from the goats; the saved from the lost.
He basically said, whatever we do to others in need, we are doing it to him.
We can help him or ignore him, but there’s a price to pay for ignoring people in need. Compassion for others seems to be rare these days but it shouldn’t be, and it wouldn’t be if we would all follow the Golden Rule that Jesus laid out in Matthew 7:12.
Matthew 7:12
12 So treat others like you want them to treat you
If everyone would just follow this simple rule, the world would be a much better place.
My Blogs
© 2018 Teddy Lynn – All Rights Reserved
My books are available in paperback and digital format on Amazon @